Thursday, November 14, 2013

Giraffe Art

giraffe artwork
pretty giraffeThere’s a great riddle that is going around Facebook right now and it’s one that is making everyone take notice. The riddle goes something like this. It’s 3 in the morning and you are sleeping. You hear a knock at the door and your parents are there, waiting for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, bread, wine, cheese and other items. What do you do first? This is the riddle. Now, what do you do with it? First, you need to think about ways to solve it. You can send an email to giraffe pictures here and can have a fun time selecting one that you want to use. You need to leave that giraffe up for three days and then you can go back to the avatar that you love. And this is how the game is played and why you’ll see so many giraffe pictures going around Facebook these days. Mystery solved..well, the giraffe mystery that is. A friend who knows the answer and see if you get it right. If you do, then you can keep your avatar and enjoy your Facebook page as it is. If you get it wrong, however, then it’s time to go shopping for a cute giraffe pic to change your profile pic. You can find great